Monday, December 7, 2009

What Day Is Today?

Its been awhile since my last post. I was too preoccupied with my new long awaited desktop. The specs for this computer is average but quite satisfying if you ask me. Plus the graphic cards is awesome and the monitor is god-like (kata pejal).

I come to agreed on that because at first I thought this monitor is too huge and it took me several days to adjust to its nature. I mean, when you used to surf internet.. take facebook for example. For a normal monitor the whole interface are from left to right and justified. But for a monitor this big, the whole interface just appear in the middle of the screen. There's lots of unused space for viewing.

I'm still in agony for trying to figure out on how to optimize the using of space for this monitor. I'm not much of a multitasker but it still doesn't feel right. As for the games I played, how should I say this, bloody awesome!

"Eh, dah pukul 6?" - Kuntil Midon.


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